Author Archives: Writer

How to Know It’s Time for a Data Center Upgrade

Hardware upgrades can be expensive, but they’re an investment in your company’s future. Avoiding upgrades will eventually bog your system down and lead to expensive downtime or emergency fixes. Is it time for your next upgrade? With the help of a good power company, you can create a data center upgrade project plan that will […]

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What’s the Difference Between a Surge Protector and a Power Strip?

The rise of technology has made the need for extra outlets more urgent than ever. Most normal power outlets only have two sockets that you can plug your devices into. This is often not enough. One solution is to use a surge protector or a power strip. Sometimes these terms are used interchangeably, but surge […]

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How to Detect Inaccurate Utility Metering

Your electrical meter is responsible for telling your power company how much energy your home or business uses each day—the power company bills you based on your energy consumption. The only problem is that these meters don’t always work correctly, leading to unexpectedly high energy bills. Continue reading to learn how you can detect inaccuracies […]

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What You Need to Know About Electrical Transformer Maintenance

An electrical transformer is responsible for transferring energy from one circuit to another. So, when you experience transformer failure, you could be without power for an extended period. Performing routine maintenance is the best way to prolong your transformer’s lifespan while ensuring you never have electrical issues. This post from a trusted electrical troubleshooting company […]

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